Why is .NET Core popular? - Ayush Shrestha || UI/UX || Front-end || Angular || React || Wordpress

Why is .NET Core popular?

.NET has been popular for several reasons, and I can provide insights based on that timeframe. Please note that the popularity of technologies can evolve over time, and there might have been developments since then.

  1. Cross-platform Development: One of the significant shifts that contributed to the popularity of .NET is the introduction of .NET Core, which later became .NET 5 and then .NET 6. This framework allowed developers to build applications that can run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. This cross-platform compatibility attracted a wider audience of developers.
  2. Performance: .NET Core introduced various performance improvements compared to the previous versions of .NET Framework. These improvements included a more efficient runtime, better memory management, and enhanced application startup times. This made .NET Core an attractive choice for building high-performance applications.
  3. Open Source: With the release of .NET Core, Microsoft open-sourced a significant portion of the framework. This move fostered a strong community engagement, allowing developers to contribute to the framework’s development and customization. The open-source nature of .NET Core encouraged collaboration and innovation.
  4. Modern Development: .NET Core introduced modern development practices and embraced contemporary development tools and workflows. It provided support for containerization and microservices architecture, which are crucial for building scalable and maintainable applications.
  5. Unified Platform: With the evolution of .NET 5 and later versions, Microsoft aimed to unify the previously separate .NET Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin into a single platform called .NET. This unification simplified the ecosystem, making it easier for developers to choose the right components for their projects.
  6. Compatibility and Migration: .NET Core and its subsequent versions were designed with compatibility in mind. Developers could often migrate their existing .NET Framework applications to the new framework with relative ease, preserving their investments in existing codebases.
  7. Ecosystem and Libraries: The popularity of a programming framework often relies on the availability of libraries, tools, and third-party components. .NET’s ecosystem continued to grow, providing a wide range of libraries and packages that developers could use to accelerate their development process.
  8. Microsoft’s Support: Microsoft’s consistent support and investment in the .NET platform played a crucial role in its popularity. Frequent updates, improvements, and community engagement initiatives demonstrated Microsoft’s commitment to the platform.
  9. Integration with Azure: Microsoft Azure, a popular cloud computing platform, provides seamless integration with .NET applications. This integration made it easier for developers to build and deploy their applications to the cloud.

Remember that the popularity of technologies can vary due to a multitude of factors, including developer preferences, market trends, technology advancements, and business needs. It’s a good idea to check more recent sources and industry news to get an up-to-date perspective on the current popularity and trends related to .NET.

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