Why Import? - Ayush Shrestha || UI/UX || Front-end || Angular || React || Wordpress

Why Import?

Think about how you load different types of resources on the web. For JS, we have <script src>. For CSS, your go-to is probably <link rel="stylesheet">. For images it’s <img>. Video has <video>. Audio, <audio>…. Get to the point! The majority of the web’s content has a simple and declarative way to load itself. Not so for HTML. Here’s your options:

  1. <iframe> – tried and true but heavy weight. An iframe’s content lives entirely in a separate context than your page. While that’s mostly a great feature, it creates additional challenges (shrink wrapping the size of the frame to its content is tough, insanely frustrating to script into/out of, nearly impossible to style).
  2. AJAX – I love xhr.responseType="document", but you’re saying I need JS to load HTML? That doesn’t seem right.
  3. CrazyHacks™ – embedded in strings, hidden as comments (e.g. <script type="text/html">). Yuck!

See the irony? The web’s most basic content, HTML, requires the greatest amount of effort to work with. Fortunately, Web Components are here to get us back on track.

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