Solved: Prestashop PHP7.4 Permission denied On live server go to MultiPHP INI Editor then select domain name you want to solve that issue [8] SessionHandler::gc():... Total views: 563 times Posted on May 14, 2022May 14, 2022 by ayush
Add space between Currency Symbol and Amount in Prestashop 1.7.X.X Simply change the value in the symbol column of the ps currency lang table. Alternatively, for all pricing, place a... Total views: 847 times Posted on March 21, 2021July 20, 2023 by ayush
SOLVED Max_user_executions Prestashop Go To Filesrc/Core/Util/InternationalDomainNameConvertor.php line 47before INTL_ add (INT) and save the changes. Total views: 926 times Posted on March 11, 2021July 20, 2023 by ayush